My Greatest Accomplishment and All of My Joy: Meet My Son
I started to publish another blog post about mom life but realized I’ve never done one about my birth story and never posted any with his pictures or anything like that so decided I would post this one before I publish the next one. If you follow me on my personal page, @ambi_bambi, chances are you have seen way too many pics & already know some of this, but people ask about these things often actually. I meant to do this blog post, like 5 months ago. Time flies when you’re having fun! Being a mom with almost 2 full-time jobs on top of tha is hard work! Doesn’t leave much time for writing. I’m actually currently writing this from my cell phone, while my son is asleep on one arm.
My son's dad and I went into the hospital on August 8th, which was my original due date, to be induced the next morning and stay the night. YES, I chose to be induced, even though sooo many people tried to tell me not to. My mom did it with all four of her kids, and that’s good enough for me ! They put medication inside me to start dilating my cervix because I was not near dilated enough but it was past 40 weeks when I went in. I started having contractions through the night and early as possible, the next morning, they gave me an epidural, which I HIGHLY recommend by the way. They say labor begins when you have your first contraction. I always asked people the whole way through my pregnancy what a contraction felt like no one could really explain it and now I see why. I would explain it as the deepest cramp you could ever have, repeatedly, every hour at first, to then every few minutes. And I won’t lie to you, they hurt BAD! I was in labor for HOURS, ended up being a total of 15 hours I think it was.
Look at that belly !! This was taken on our way to the hospital.
I had a whole room of visitors, the whole day waiting on me to go into labor. I don’t remember much, because that epidural pretty much makes you feel like you are what you are, on drugs lol. When you haven’t put much medication in your body for almost 10 months, then get that, it hits you hard !! Things are really foggy about the day, and honestly who all was there and what I even said to be honest, but thank God I have lots of pictures ! I couldn’t eat all day except for ice chips and i just remember really wanting him to enter the world in time for me to get a Milkshake from Reeves Sain before they closed at 6 . Typical me .
I knew it was go time, when I started trembling. My entire body was shaking and would not stop. My nurse came in, cleared the room except for the people who were going to be in the room with me. Speaking of that, there were only supposed to be like 2 people, but I had extras: my son’s dad, my mom, sister, sister-in-law, and best friend. It’s hard to choose who you want to be present for your whole anatomy just out in the open like that. I don’t even change my shirt in front of people, so this was tough for me! Anyways I started pushing while the nurse counted with me repeatedly to 10. This went on for over an hour, until he was almost out, then my doctor came in! I honestly didn’t think I was going to be able to push a whole baby human out of me, but got what felt like superhero strength and made it happen! What women's bodies ca do is miraculous to say the least. My son’s head is apparently larger than most so it was stuck in the birth canal for apparently a really long time. They told me I had to do this, because his head could not stay down there much longer ! I then told them i needed some pep rally music, ya know the kind you had in high school to get pumped up for a big game. I requested “We Ready” by Archie, we played it and that gave me all the hype I needed. He came out to that. I used every single muscle in my body to get him out of there! Freaks me out & the song part is really funny looking back on it ! Only me! That song & the support system I had in the room are what got me through it for sure !
Denver Ford Dimick was born on August 9th, 2017 at 7:28 pm. He weighed 7lbs, 1 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Seeing him was the most beautiful, most real, crazy, unbelievable moment of my whole life ! I really never thought I would have a baby and be a mom. It never really hit me that I was pregnant until two nights before I had him. I couldn’t believe how beautiful he was. I looked at my best friend Tamina and said “how did i do this?” I seriously think part of the reason I posted so many things about being pregnant, when I was, is to prove to myself that I was pregnant. Ya know, the same reason couples who aren’t really that in love do lmao. Who are y’all trying to convince yourselves or each other ? Lol, kidding, kinda. Back to Denver, he was the most beautiful little guy I had ever laid eyes on!
I sincerely appreciated every person who came to visit after Denver was born, but I was honestly extremely overwhelmed by it all. First of all I had no idea what i was doing with a baby, so I was trying to learn how to be a mom in the first place. I also had various nurses and hospital staff coming in the room what seemed like, every 47 seconds. I was also trying to learn how to breast feed, which is the hardest thing ever by the way, and had people literally shoving my boob in my child’s mouth. It made me feel very weird and also like a cow being milked and I was OUT on that! I tried. I really did, but the second i made the decision not to do it and switched to formula, it was like a 4 ton weight was lifted off my shoulder!! I didn’t want to feel the way i felt every time my son was hungry! I at least then knew he was getting the proper amount of food that he needed. I couldn’t wait to get out of the hospital and home!
Overall Denver’s birth was very long, hard, painful and scary, but it was the most beautiful and amazing thing i have ever experienced and the absolute best day of my entire life !! I’ve never known a love like this before that’s for sure and i love him more every minute of every day !! Being a mom is my greatest accomplishment of all time and I think I’m doing just fine at it. PS if anyone is looking for an OBGYN, i LOVED mine doctor by the way, Dr Pollock at MMC. I don’t think anyone can really prepare you for the experience of the emotions you feel when you become a mom, because everyone’s journey and birth stories are different.
Thank you guys for reading & be on the lookout for lots more mom related things & posts under this “life” section of my website !! You can also follow me on Instagram @nativeinnashville. Here are a few more pictures from his first week of life! Hard to believe that this week he will be 5 months old already !!Photos: Christie Lynn Photography